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Burn Care Supplies


Burn care supplies are essential items to have on hand in case of a burn injury. Some key burn care supplies include:

1. Cool running water: Immediately cool the burn with running water for at least 15 minutes. This helps to reduce the temperature of the skin and can help to minimize the damage caused by the burn.

2. Sterile gauze pads or sterile cotton balls: These can be used to gently dab around the burn to remove any excess liquid or debris.

3. Sterile non-adherent dressing: Apply a sterile non-adherent dressing, such as Telfa or Melolin, over the burn to help protect it from further injury or irritation.

4. Burn ointment or cream: Apply a thin layer of burn ointment or cream, such as Silvadene or Aquaphor, over the burn to help soothe the skin and promote healing.

5. Pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate burn pain temporarily.

6. Medical gloves: Wear medical gloves when treating a burn injury to help prevent the spread of infection.

7. Burn care instruction sheet: Keep a burn care instruction sheet on hand to help guide you through the proper steps for treating a burn injury.
Remember, if the burn is severe or covers a large area of the body, seek immediate professional medical help.

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