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Physio Control LifePak CR Plus/Express



The Physio Control Lifepak CR Plus/Express is a user-friendly and reliable automated external defibrillator (AED) designed to save lives during sudden cardiac emergencies. With simple operation and clear voice prompts, it guides users through each step of the rescue process, increasing the chances of a successful outcome. The Lifepak CR Plus/Express is compact, portable, and suitable for both trained responders and untrained bystanders. Built with advanced technology and proven effectiveness, this AED is an essential tool for any organization or individual seeking to be prepared for cardiac emergencies.

"We are adding more and more products everyday.  
Can't find it, Call us we have it."

Customer Service: (844) DIAL-LIVE (844) 342-5548
Monday - Friday (10:00AM - 2:00PM PST)

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